The following announcements are unannounced super marketing bonuses for MrX Members. 

Starting May 22 of 2022  all members holding a resellers license with  MrX will have two of the most powerful marketing features available on this planet, for their personal use  appear in their members area.

All resellers will see these programs simply appear and be ready for immediate use at zero additional cost to the member.

The first marketing super power will give every reseller  the ability to build a list and enjoy unrivaled marketing power like you have never had before and this new feature will appear in your members area cost free to each reseller member.

The second marketing super power will give every reseller the ability to create their own splash pages that are integrated with all the data bases and programming in the MrX Platform so that you are empowered to generate personal splash pages and bridge pages to anyone and everyone you choose too, online.

This feature can brand you, can give you the power to make moves on the fly and create landing pages in split seconds based on some new happening, news event, product launch or idea that you have and launch it to the World in minutes.

Marketing Secret Weapon #1:                                                                                       $49.97 Monthly

All seasoned internet marketers know, creating your own personal buyers list of people who are proven buyers is the best way, the number one way,  the only way to create wealth thru sales of products and services online.

MrX Premium Traffic Members will have a new automated auto-responder feature that will pull all of their signups/customers/downline, and automatically send these names to the auto-responder of your choice and will build the list of your choice.

You will be able to build lists that you own that are your people, your customers, who have purchased from you and market to them anytime of your choosing and any product or service of your choosing.

The programing is completed and you will have this feature  simply appear here for your use on May 22,  2022 

Marketing Secret Number #2:                                                                                   $97 Monthly

The ability to create your own custom landing pages and bridge pages with your pictures, videos, headlines, subheadlines, information, links and redirets on the fly will put you way ahead of every marketer on this planet who is unable to do this.

Imagine that some world wide news event, think Elon Musk attempting to take over Twitter...

And now imagine that you can in minutes create a splash page that captures that interest and then directs them to your desired product or service.

Further imagine that you have an auto-responder on the page that is yours and yours alone that builds a list for that particular subject, product or service so that you may market to them at will anytime you wish twenty four hours a day and seven days a week.

The programing is done and you will have this feature  simply appear here for your use May of 2022 at no charge.  

Marketing Secret Number #2:                                                                                   $97 Monthly

The ability to create your own custom landing pages and bridge pages with your pictures, videos, headlines, subheadlines, information, links and redirets on the fly will put you way ahead of every marketer on this planet who is unable to do this.

Imagine that some world wide news event, think Elon Musk attempting to take over Twitter...

And now imagine that you can in minutes create a splash page that captures that interest and then directs them to your desired product or service.

Further imagine that you have an auto-responder on the page that is yours and yours alone that builds a list for that particular subject, product or service so that you may market to them at will anytime you wish twenty four hours a day and seven days a week.

The programing is done and you will have this feature  simply appear here for your use May of 2022 at no charge.  


The following announcements are unannounced super marketing bonuses for MrX Members. 

Starting May 22 of 2022  all members holding a resellers license with  MrX will have two of the most powerful marketing features available on this planet, for their personal use  appear in their members area.

All resellers will see these programs simply appear and be ready for immediate use at zero additional cost to the member.

The first marketing super power will give every reseller  the ability to build a list and enjoy unrivaled marketing power like you have never had before and this new feature will appear in your members area cost free to each reseller member.

The second marketing super power will give every reseller the ability to create their own splash pages that are integrated with all the data bases and programming in the MrX Platform so that you are empowered to generate personal splash pages and bridge pages to anyone and everyone you choose too, online.

This feature can brand you, can give you the power to make moves on the fly and create landing pages in split seconds based on some new happening, news event, product launch or idea that you have and launch it to the World in minutes.

Marketing Secret Weapon #1:     $49.97 Monthly

All seasoned internet marketers know, creating your own personal buyers list of people who are proven buyers is the best way, the number one way,  the only way to create wealth thru sales of products and services online.

MrX Premium Traffic Members will have a new automated auto-responder feature that will pull all of their signups/customers/downline, and automatically send these names to the auto-responder of your choice and will build the list of your choice.

You will be able to build lists that you own that are your people, your customers, who have purchased from you and market to them anytime of your choosing and any product or service of your choosing.

The programing is completed and you will have this feature  simply appear here for your use on May 22,  2022